Aesthetic Rehabilitation Center
  • Why Choose Osteopathy?

    1. Osteopathy treats musculoskeletal pain and nervous system disorders, as well as a number of internal chronic diseases.


    2. In many cases diagnosis is faster and more accurate than expensive methods using advanced technology.


    3. Osteopathy not only treats symptoms but rather reveals the underlying cause of the disease and eliminates it.


    4. This approach is based on the contemporary research of various disciplines such as anatomy, physiology, histology and biochemistry.


    5. Only gentle, non-invasive, completely painless and safe techniques are used.


    6. Positive effects are visible after the first procedure.


    7. One of the best ways to maintain good health is through the use of Osteopathic Treatment

  • Is growing taller programme effective?

    If the process of gaining height is still active in your body in that case this programme is very effective, otherwise it is possible to increase height by 2-3 cm due to the spine and posture correction, though the amount of height an individual can grow varies. It all depends on a number of factors. However, our specialists will approximately estimate your individual growth potential and choose an appropriate programme for you.

  • When can be seen the positive effect of body modelling?

    The positive effects of body modelling and anti-cellulite massage can be seen after 7-8 sessions, ultimately it takes 2 weeks (after completing the full course) to achieve final results. 

  • May I have the chance to tackle the cellulite?

    We can’t guarantee you this. The visible effect of problematic parts of the body is always improved, but the quality varies. 

  • What is the best treatment for cellulite?

    The best available treatment for cellulite is Pressotherapy, "Dry" masaage, Hydromassage, Vacuum Massage, Peeling Massages, Mesotherapy, "Hand Plastic".

  • How often should I have the massage?

    Anti-cellulite massage is done three times a week.  The visible effect is seen after 7 or 8 procedures. As the anti-cellulite massage has a later effect, the results are shown one or two weeks after the completion the course. 

  • How often should you receive a massage?

    3 times per week is required for cellulite treatment as dissolving
    process of subcutaneous fat takes time. (around 15 sessions).
    It is best to treat our bodies with peeling massage once a week to
    help the excretion of dead epidermal cells.
    The frequency of a therapeutic massage will be determined only by the doctor.

  • Is there any weight loss medication that's used to help people lose weight?

    There are two types of prescription ‘fat blockers’: Xenical (Orlistat) and Meridia. Xenical works by targeting the absorption of fat in your digestive system rather than merely suppressing your appetite. Many products claim to be "fat blockers" however; Xenical is the only prescription "fat blocker" diet pill.


    It is distinct from other diet pills that effect neurotransmitters to stimulate the brain to suppress your appetite. Xenical uses a fat blocking mode of action that works non-systemically in the gastrointestinal tract.


    It prevents one third of the fat calories in your diet from being absorbed and thus converted into fat. Xenical diet pills are highly recommended by doctors secondary to Xenical's ability to block fats in safe manner while promoting weight loss. numerous respected studies have proven that if you that include Xenical diet pills in your healty diet plan you will lose two times more weight than if you attempt to diet without Xenical diet pills. Xenical also improves some obesity-related disease risk factors including high cholesterol, high blood pressure and diabetes by allowing you to effectively lose weight.


    Meridia – is a prescription medication that is designed for overweight people with a BMI of 30 or more.

  • What is the most effective weight loss diet?

    Choosing the right diet is essential to weight loss. Each time a diet should be chosen individually according to your lifestyle, health condition and habits. It should never cause lack of vitamins and microelements as well as hypoalbuminemia (deficit of albumin). It is not recommended to follow homogenous diet for a long time. Healthy diet must be easy to follow, stress free and balanced. Fast weight loss is not healthy and could be dangerous for your body as you could gain weight easily.


    In our centre we will select an individual diet that corresponds to your lifestyle.

  • How should I measure my body fatness?

    To measure your body fatness you have to calculate your body mass index (BMI), which is weight divided by height squared.


    If   BMI <  19 you have mass defect ( It is better to have more weight)

    If   BMI  =  19-25 your weight is ideal!

    If   BMI  =  25-30 you have more weight than you need you have to think about losing your weight.

    If   BMI  = 30-40  your disease is called fatness and you could seriously damage your health.

    If  BMI   > 40  the condition is called obesity. You must visit the specialist as soon as possible.